Monday, May 26, 2008

Two Bud Lights and 1/3 Massive Pitcher of Sangria

On the importance of wine:

I feel bad for people that don't drink wine.  They will never know it's indescribable pleasures.  I drank Sangria tonight and let me tell you, the indescribable pleasures were endless!  The best was when my friends and I talked about good books. SO? We're smart and shit. Don't hate


Drinking wine leads to one of three conversations (if you are a female):

1. Things that involve using the prefrontal cortex
(I made that up, what I mean is the smart part of your brain...I have no idea what the prefrontal cortex is)

2.  Delicious foods

3. Sex...
It always leads to sex talk...for all the men folks out there (and I know there are TONS) if your girlfriend is going to drink wine with her BFFs, you better bet she is talking about your sex life, so deal with it

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