Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 Baseball Stadium Beers, A Stoli Lemonade, Two Sake Bombs, A Shot of Sake, and A "Submarine" aka Tequila and Cornona

YES! Being drunk is awesome! Except when you are trying to do a rubix cube...Linda is trying to do it right now and it is just not working out...SIDE NOTE: Linda had a Rubix Cube in her purse.

ANYWAYS..."fuck mother bitch"...direct quote from Linda in respect to doing a rubix cube

BUT...SHUT UP! When I say shut up I'm talking to...well, i could narrow it down but really, it refers to all manor of imbiciles, so if you are reading this and I say shut up, you can assume that I hate you...unless I like you

PS Linda did a Rubix cube wasted and then referred to herself as a "magical genius"...yeah, are YOU are a magical genius?...i didn't think so, but LINDA is

Also, tequila is more or less awesome. If you don't agree with me than you are more or less NOT AWESOME

Ok, time for bed, it is waaaay past your bedtime

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