Monday, August 10, 2009

The Better Part of a Bottle of Reisling

Am I drinking right now solely to blog? Yes, yes I am. WHAT? Stop judging me you judging judgers! You know who you are! ANYWAYS...Let's see if I can think of anything interesting to talk about. Well, this wine I'm drinking is simply divine. (Dr. L Riesling, it's really hard to find in STL and Miami, but they have it in Chicago if anyone from the midwest is wondering. Which you probably weren't.)

So my mom sent me $40 today. That was nice. Especially because I am more broke than I have ever been in my life. I will probably spend all of that money on booze. And Dunkin Donuts. (Dont...just don't.) Someone give me a job. For the love of God.

I just realized that I wasn't labeling any of my posts. The suggestions Blogspot gives are "e.g. scooters, vacation, fall." None of those have ever applied to any of my posts, which is probably a good thing. A scooter in any other blog is probably harmless. A scooter mention in this blog would probably mean I was writing this from the hospital. Or that I stole a scooter. If I blogged on vacation, my computer would probably be floating in the ocean somewhere. Or on the stage at Sloppy Joe's. And if I blogged during the fall, ooooh boy. Don't even get me started about the fall! Let us reflect on what some of my posts' labels would be. Hmmm...

Judging judgers
Drinking by myself
Being awkward

Holler if you have any other suggestions. In other news, I played trivia last night with fellow skintern Henry and his fancy Brown friends. That trivia was hard! Probably because it was hipster trivia. They had a whole category about horses and another one about paradoxes in philosophy or some crazy shit like that. We ended up getting second place, which I obviously didn't contribute to in any way. I tried to bring the lolz though. Too bad I can't get a job in bringing the lolz. I would be awesome at that.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Six Beers, a Lemondrop, and a SocoLime

Soco Lime! Shout out to Megan Huskey, who I will forever associate with Soco Lime. I don't really know why though...Whatevs, anything that reminds me of Megan Huskey makes me happy.

SO...I saw someone do coke tonight...TWICE! This may seem odd because I went to school in Miami where coke is so common its like the soft drink Coca Cola, the real coke...ANYWAYS... I never saw anyone do coke in Miami, but I saw someone do coke tonight guys! And it was unnerving. 

I was sitting next to this kid and he just pulls a little baggie out of his wallet, dips his keys (which looked just like mine) into the bag, pulls it back with some white stuff and and snorts it right up his nose. In case you were wondering, the white stuff was COKE. May I add, this all took place in a CAB. WTF. I thought this kid was like the friendliest person ever only to realize that is what coke does to you. I was all like, "Oh man, this guy thinks I'm really cool and fun. That must be why he keeps talking to me so enthusiastically. WRONG. Thanks coke, for making me believe I'm interesting when sober.

In other news...while walking down the street today, a crazy homeless gentleman asked Em if she "had any lesbian protection." I have no idea what that means. But I love it nonetheless. That's the thing...every time I think I see something crazy in NY, I think to myself, "Now, THAT, is the weirdest thing I've seen here." Only to be proven wrong a few hours later. Thank God for crazy homeless people or I would have nothing to write about.