Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3 beers, glass of wine, and a whomp whomp

I'm what you might called "buzzed" right now. I almost feel like I'm cheating since this is "drunktaneous in the city" not "buzztaneous in the city" whatevs...I do what I want!

ANYWAYS...Trivia tonight. How the h-e-double-hockey-sticks were we supposed to know some of that shit? What year did West Side Story debut on Broadway? Sorry I'm not old and crusty. Or gay. WHAT? The gays totally know that shit and so does my grandpa because he loves musicals. All old people do. It's a fact. Why? I don't know! Ask them! But they love it. West Side Story is like the Kanye of their generation but with less whining and Mac Book Airs. Well, less computers in general. Although we also learned 1961 (I think) was the first year the term PC was used. Not that anyone cared, because in 1961 a P.C. was a CALCULATOR.

Bedsie times. Night sluts.

Yeah, I called you sluts.


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