Monday, July 19, 2010

A shot of jameson and maybe like 8 beers? I don't know..

SO...drunktaneous AND in the city? Coincidence? I think...NOT! No really, it's not a coincidence. I live in the city and I tend to get drunktaneous. So this is more just a weekly occurance than anything else. roomie, one Miss E.G. McCollum, is leaving me for beachy-er pasters. (Yes I realize beachy-er isn't a word, and, no, I don't care.) (I am also aware that I just spent more time justifying beachy-er than making it relevant.)

ANYWAYS 2.0...I am sad. Because I love this soon-to-be former of roomie of mine. We have had many a "cray cray" (if you will) night together. In retrospect. Bar Coastal. Magical Forest. Creepy D. Large shoes left in the living room over night. Large bottles of wine left in the living room over (most?) nights. Food Network. Henry. SO much pasta. Valentines Day Bar Crawl. Koozies (for every occasion.) Town Tavern. The DJ at Town Tavern. Pizza.

I'm sure there are many more things I could say about our time spent in the MF but I'm just beng really lazy and like, the fuck?

I love EG McCollum and will miss her dearly.

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